Hi there - I'm Ivan and I started designing posters for my teenage band; many years later the band is no longer a thing, but I'm still making posters...
If you’re reading this then chances are you’ve got some nice photos that you want to turn into artwork. Or maybe you’ve just got a good idea. Or maybe you don’t have any of this because you’ve been working on your show and not concentrating on stuff like 'marketing'.
Either way, I like making posters and perhaps I could make yours?

How I work.

-We chat about your show and you tell me if there's anything in particular you're after.

-I mock up a suggested design and offer some directions we might take the artwork.

-We have 3 rounds of edits until we’re all happy and signed off

-I send you print-ready PDFs in A6/A5 & A3 alongside web-friendly files. (I can also supply larger format print like 4-sheet & 8-sheet for outdoor advertising - just let me know what you need.)

Hit me up.

Drop me a line if you want to talk posters / flyers / life.